

Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller will be co-directing a “Sin City” sequel

First came Frank Miller’s stark and violent graphic novel series, Sin City. Then came the movie, co-directed by Miller and Robert Rodriguez, a faithful adaptation of the comic, right down to a stunning black-and-white palette that moviegoers hadn’t seen before (or since, with the possible exception of Miller’s own adaptation of Will Eisner’s The Spirit).

Now, at long last, Rodriguez and Miller have announced a return to Sin City with the elaborately named Frank Miller’s Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. And the press release says that “many of the original cast is expected to return,” with additional casting now promised for next week.

A Dame to Kill For is the name of another of the Sin City graphic novels, and assuming the sequel will hold as close to the original content as the first movie, we’re likely to see a number of Latino actors who were part of the first film returning for the second, including Jessica AlbaAlexis BledelRosario Dawson and Benicio del Toro. And there are some other bizarre and original characters, male and female, from the story that have yet to be cast. So stay tuned.

It should be a wild ride. Miller has already said, “Robert Rodriguez and I are going to shake things up and deliver a ferocious film experience that is going to go even further than the first.” And knowing Frank–he ain’t kiddin’.

Rodriguez’ love of cinematic mayhem is well established in everything for El Mariachi to the Grindhouse pictures, Planet Terror and Grindhouse. Frank Miller moved from artistically challenging and increasingly ultraviolent comics to screenwriting quite a while back, with the screenplay for Robocop II and the Sin City adaptations. He’s also made a show of being a ‘conservative’ with a web post railing against the Occupy movement some months back, though he’s been relatively quiet on that front ever since.

There’s no question that the two of them, together and apart, can make amazing movies. Let’s hope lightning strikes twice…and that the Latino energy that infused the casting in Round One returns for Round Two. More news soon; the projected premiere will be next year.