

Paula Garcés returns to the world of “Harold & Kumar”

One more stop along the way for this busy Latina

We talked a bit about Paula Garcés last March right here–not just an actress, but a character in video games and a comic book co-creator. Since then, Paula’s appeared in episodes of The Good Wife and The Breakout Kings, and she’s in pre-production on Ruben Rodriguez first feature film, Deception, along with Rosa Blasi.

By the way, Paula’s not the only Latino wandering around the world of Harold and Kumar. The ubiquitous Danny Trejo will be there, too, as well as Latino actors Marvin Cruz, Shirley Benyas, and Esteban Cruz. And if you’d like to see Paula in the preview, check out the trailer very carefully (Hint: watch for the red teddy!).

Paula’s actually been in all three H&K flicks. You can catch up on some of that hilarity this week, when Comedy Central shows Harold & Kumar Escape Guantanamo Bay, Saturday, November 5 at 2:45P. Set those TiVo’s. And the new one opens Friday.

Paula Garces in 3D. Could there be a better Christmas present?