

Latinos and “The Lorax:” Not in plain sight, but very important

We’ve talked about Latinos as cartoon voices and underground animators…but it’s worth noting that there are plenty of them all up and down the supply chain. We mentioned Rick Morales, who’s been a director of half-hour animated shows like Ben 10 and Green Lantern: The Animated Series. And a quick look at Disney’s newest film, Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax, shows Latinos in power positions through, including Sergio Casas and Carlos Leon as color designer and Trevor Jimenez as a storyboard artist, while the senior character animators include Martín Esnaola and Tote Gonzalez.

So here’s a short, sweet note to the Latinos (and everyone else!) who keeps the cartoons coming…and that’s all the excuse we need to share this brand new trailer, suitable for all ages. See it here.