

Judy Marte, where are you?

CBS’ mid-season cop show “The 2-2” features Indy film star Judy Marte, but…

In all the hoopla about CBS’ January 12 premiere of ROB, the Rob Schneider-in-a-Latino-family sitcom, the network’s other show featuring a Latino lead has been all but forgotten…and there’s a good reason for that. CBS seems to have forgotten about it, too.

When CBS first announced it, The Rookies (now known or The 2-2, or possible NYC 22–they keep changing it!) was kind of a big deal. The lead producer was none other than Robert De Niro himself, and the show was coming out of his company, Tribeca Films. It promised to be a street-smart, gritty cop show in the fondly remembered mold of Homicide: Life on the Streets or N.Y.P.D. And best of all for Latino Hollywood, one of its stars was Judy Marte, a beautiful young actress who had already shown her powerful abilities in films like Raising Victor Vargas and On the Outs.

But ever since then, it’s been invisible. Along with the multiple name-changes (most recently on December 2, the same time CBS took ROB’s exclamation points away), the show has suffered from a number of failure-to-launch episodes. It was originally announced as part of the fall season, then bumped back to mid-season status. And when the mid-season dates began to appear…still to 2-2. It’s beginning to look like this may be 2012’s Chaos, another CBS show (which happened to star a Latino as well) that was announced, produced, and then put in the can, left to die in the network no-man’s-land of late spring burn-off.

Seems a strange way to treat a strong premise, some serious actors and–most of all Robert De Niro. But we’ll let you know if and when CBS finally let’s us see Judy Marte at work. Meanwhile, you can read a nice little Q&A she gave to NocheLatina.com, just before she landed the 2-2 gig. Just click here and enjoy.