

Al Madrigal has had an…interesting year

Comedian Al Madrigal is no newcomer; he’s been a successful standup comic for years, and he’s good at it. But 2011 seemed poised to be his ‘breakout’ year; over the summer he started showing up regularly as the first Latino ‘report’ on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart over on Comedy Central, and he had a prominent supporting role in a new NBC sitcom, Free Agents. He’s still associated with The Daily Show–we saw him in the “Year in Review” just last week–and we’re hoping his move to New York means we’ll see much more of him on the fake news – but Free Agents only distinction was being one of the first new shows of the season to be cancelled, before anyone noticed Al at all.

Not that he hasn’t been busy. He’s part of a regular podcast called Minivan Men about modern parenting for males, that’s consistently terrific (and available for free on iTunes), and we recently came across a really hilarious cut from his standup, “Cholo Soccer Dad” that will actually make you laugh out loud. Just click below and enjoy:

Keep track of all Al Madrigal’s recent activities here, at his web site, grab the podcast on iTunes or here, follow him on twitter at www.twitter.com/almadrigal, or buy his 2008 album Half Breed all over the place including amazon.com here. He’s funny, he’s smart, and big things are on the way.