

David Zayas Talks About the next season of “Dexter,” Lauren Velez, Aimee Garcia and More

There was a lot going on at the San Diego Comic Con this year, and most of it was caught on film by somebody or other. The smart folks over at BuzzFocus got a five-minute sit-down with David Zayas of Dexter and got some great stuff about the next season, as well as his character’s relationship with Lauren Velez this year, and the arrival if Aimee Garcia as his sister and the nanny for Dexter’s newly motherless child.

Zayas also reminds us of something often forgotten: before he began his successful acting career, Zayas was an actual beat cop in Manhattan. This explains, at least a little, his ultra-realistic confidence playing a police detective to go along with the intensity and intelligence he’s displayed since Season One–a performance that, along with Velez’ equally impressive work, has made Dexter one of the few ongoing programs with a strong and rather addicting Latino relationship as a strong and frankly fascinating “B” story, year after year. 2011 promises to offer more of the same.

Take a look at the full interview here…