

A Strong, Smart Look at the 2013 NALIP

L-r: Ray Liotta, Danny Trejo and Michelle Rodriguez

Christine Davila, the Chicana from Chicago, knows her stuff. She’s one of our favorite ‘reads,’ and as a long-time film festival programmer, she probably knows as much or more about “films, mostly brown” than anyone writing today.

Her recent wrap-up and criticism of NALIP is especially strong and smart. It’s a warts-and-all and thankfully comprehensive view of all the important (and not so important) stuff that went on there this year, and it’s well worth reading.

All in all, Christine said, “I come away more compelled than ever to bring awareness to the most original and culturally specific talented writer/directors out there by screening their work for film festivals and writing about their projects on this blog. I know I need to arm myself with further academic studies, specifically of the humanities/political kind, in order to draw parallels, articulate, and change the way we are talking about these films as necessary stories that are flipping and re-creating the cultural zeitgeist. Now more than ever I feel like a genuine part of the ecosystem.

We could quote the heck out of the piece here, but instead, just click on “NALIP 2013 recap–After All is Said, We Must (continue) to Do” and read it for yourself. Then bookmark the site and go back for more. Regularly.